I've got some exciting news to share with you all! Recently, I stumbled upon an absolute gem started by 2 amazing Moms in my neighborhood - the Moonlight Collective.
It's an app where you can find different experiences near you like cooking classes, art workshops, yoga and meditation and even dance experiences. I will be doing a Mix Media Collage workshop through them on June 7th I San Carlos, CA where explorers will create a nature inspired bohemian collage using magazines, junk mail and other reusable paper.
I've found immense joy in sharing my art with kindred spirits like yourselves. And now, thanks to the Moonlight Collective, I have the incredible opportunity to not only share my passion but also guide fellow creatives on their own artistic adventures.
More details coming up soon! Keep an eye out or join my collector's list HERE to get updates. (Get a BONUS of 30% off on my Prints of the Month too when you sign up)